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Every Anavar cycle and stacking explained | A Complete Guide

Anavar - Determine the correct dosage for your bodybuilding needs.

Every Anavar cycle and stacking explained | A Complete Guide


As you can no doubt tell from the title of this piece, today, we’re going to be looking at how to cycle Anavar (Oxandrolone) and stack it with other anabolic steroids and PEDs. In this article we'll discuss every possible (and impossible) Anavar cycle: cycle length, determine the right dosage and what possible gains or results might reasonably be expected.

Even though oral steroids such as Anavar can be used alone in an Anavar only cycle, they are primarily stacked with other steroids to maximize the possible results and provide as much ‘bang for your buck’ as is possible. In another post in these Anavar series, I have already discussed the importance of choosing the correct dose.


However, it’s not just a case of choosing two or more steroids and taking them; some steroids work synergistically together, whereas others not so much, particularly if they’re typically used for different goals, i.e., bulking and cutting. To give you a helping hand, we’ve selected the most common anabolic steroids and PEDs and will discuss, in turn, if (and if so, how) Anavar should be stacked with each of these compounds. After reading you will be able to start the best Anavar cycle for your needs.

So, without further ado, let’s begin.

The figures and doses stated on this page are for reference only. Each body is different and you should learn to know your body. The advise is to start slow and don't overdo it. Do your own due diligence, listen to your body and don't follow any of the on this page suggested products or doses blindly. This website will not be held responsible for any damage done to your body.

The Anavar and Winstrol Cycle

One of the most common questions related to Anavar cycles is whether or not an Anavar and Winstrol cycle is even possible. On the face of it, most people would always advise against using two methylated oral steroids together; however, if done sensibly and with caution, using two oral steroids shouldn’t impact your liver any more than using a single compound. In Anavar Winstrol cycle you must reduce the dose of each by half. For example, if your usual dose of Anavar is 60mg and your usual dose of Winstrol is 50mg, you’d take 30mg of the former and 25-30mg of the latter.

Although Oxandrolone and Stanzolol are often considered to be similar compounds, i.e., ‘cutting’ steroids that are great for recomping and increasing strength, they do actually work well together. Why? Because Anavar helps to burn fat and Winstrol is more anabolic, so not only can you lose more body fat, you’ll also potentially build more muscle than if you used either alone.

A typical Anavar Winstrol cycle for men takes eight weeks could look like in the table below. Women need to be much more conservative in their dosage. It is advisable to only take in about one fourth (1/4 = 25%) of the dosage proposed for men. Be sure to read about all dosage factors if you are a beginner.

Week 1

Winstrol: 15 mg per day

Anavar:10 mcg per day

Week 2

Winstrol: 15 mg per day

Anavar:10 mcg per day

Week 3

Winstrol: 15 mg per day

Anavar:10 mcg per day

Week 4

Winstrol: 15 mg per day

Anavar:10 mcg per day

Week 5

Winstrol: 15 mg per day

Anavar:10 mcg per day

Week 6

Winstrol: 20 mg per day

Anavar:15 mcg per day

Week 7

Winstrol: 20 mg per day

Anavar:15 mcg per day

Week 8

Winstrol: 20 mg per day

Anavar:10 mcg per day

1 15 mg per day 10 mcg per day
2 15 mg per day 10 mcg per day
3 15 mg per day 10 mcg per day
4 15 mg per day 10 mcg per day
5 15 mg per day 10 mcg per day
6 20 mg per day 10 mcg per day
7 20 mg per day 10 mcg per day
8 20 mg per day 10 mcg per day

Can you take Anavar and Winstrol together without anything else in the mix? Yes, you can, but taking Testosterone (even if it’s just TRT dosage circa 150mg per week) is always advisable. Another option, for experienced bodybuilders only (!), is to add clen to this cycle, resulting in an Anavar Winstrol Clenbuterol cycle. Even for experienced users we refer to our article on how to determine the right Anavar dosage.

Suggested stack - Anavar, Winstrol, Testosterone.

The Anavar and Deca Durabolin Cycle

Oxandrolone and Nandrolone are pretty much at complete opposite ends of the spectrum. The former is used for cutting, recomping, and getting lean, whereas the latter is commonly used to bulk up and add mass. Because of this, it’s unlikely that you’d ever want to use them together. Sure, you could pair them for strength gains, but given that Deca is distinctly ‘mid-level’ where strength is concerned (there are much better alternatives), we wouldn’t recommend combing Anavar with Deca Durabolin.

Suggested stack - N/A.

The Anavar and Clenbuterol Cycle

The Var and Clenbuterol cycle is probably the most common fat loss combination where both steroids and non-androgenic PEDs are concerned. Why? Because it’s tried and tested, and it works! Anavar is the anabolic element that is used to maintain lean muscle mass levels (or perhaps increase them), and Clenbuterol is used to burn fat. If you’re already at a fairly low body fat (13% or less), this combo will really help you to alter your body composition and improve your overall aesthetics.

If taking the two together without any other steroids or PEDs, it’s best to run the Anavar for eight weeks (dose of between 40mg and 80mg depending on your size and steroid experience) and Clenbuterol for the first two weeks and the last two weeks at a dosage that suits you (it’s always best to start very low).

Week 1

Clenbuterol: 40 mcg per day

Anavar:10 mg per day

Week 2

Clenbuterol: 40 mcg per day

Anavar:10 mg per day

Week 3

Clenbuterol: -

Anavar:10 mg per day

Week 4

Clenbuterol: -

Anavar:10 mg per day

Week 5

Clenbuterol: -

Anavar:10 mg per day

Week 6

Clenbuterol: -

Anavar:15 mg per day

Week 7

Clenbuterol: 40 mcg per day

Anavar:15 mg per day

Week 8

Clenbuterol: 40 mcg per day

Anavar:15 mg per day

1 40 mcg per day 10 mg per day
2 40 mcg per day 10 mg per day
3 - 10 mg per day
4 - 10 mg per day
5 - 10 mg per day
6 - 15 mg per day
7 40 mcg per day 15 mg per day
8 40 mcg per day 15 mg per day

Suggested stack - Anavar, Clenbuterol, Testosterone.


The Anavar and Dianabol Cycle

Like Anavar and Deca, Anavar and Dianabol is also a bit of a strange combination and one that very few people actually use. However, that doesn’t mean it can’t be used. While the former is a cutting/recomping compound and the latter is an all-out bulking compound, they’re both potent where strength is concerned, so if you didn’t get on well with other potent strength-inducing drugs, such as Anadrol, Trenbolone, or Halostestin, you could pair Var with Dbol for sure.

This combination probably isn’t a good idea for recomping and improving your aesthetics, thanks to Methandrostenolone’s distinct ability to induce water retention, but there’s no reason why they could be used simultaneously to bulk up. It might not be the most successful bulk in the world, but you’d gain weight, add muscle, and certainly get stronger!

Given that Dianabol aromatizes to estrogen, Testosterone isn’t 100% necessary, so pairing it with something like Masteron or even Winstrol would make for a great strength and recomping six week cycle.

Suggested stack - Anavar, Dianabol, Masteron/Winstrol.

The Anavar and Anadrol Cycle

Like Dianabol and Deca Durabolin, cycling Anavar and Anadrol isn’t something that many steroid-users do, but that’s not to say it can’t be done and used successfully. Given oxymetholone’s monumental fluid-retention capabilities, you certainly won’t want to use this combo for recomping or for immediate positive physique changes, but Var and Drol could be used for cutting (you’d see the results once the water has disappeared), for bulking, or for pure strength. In fact, aside from Trenbolone and Halotestin, there isn’t a better pairing of steroids for strength than Anavar and Anadrol.

When taking two oral steroids together, it’s imperative to reduce each dose by half. For example, if your usual Anavar dose was 60mg and your usual Anadrol dose was 100mg, you’d take 30-40mg of the former and 50mg of the latter.

Suggested stack - Anavar, Anadrol, Testosterone.


The Anavar and Turinabol Cycle

Of all the steroid combinations discussed in this article, the Anavar and Turinabol cycle is probably the ‘mildest’ and the pairing least likely to cause side effects. While all androgens will adversely impact blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides, Var and Tbol are relatively mild and not know for the harsh side effects of other more potent anabolics. Stacking a small amount of Testosterone (150mg - 300mg per week) with Var and Tbol would make for a light yet effective lean bulk or recomping cycle. Dosing Anavar at 40mg and Turinabol also at 40mg for no longer than 4 to 6 weeks would provide sufficient anabolism without overdoing it where adverse side effects are concerned.

Suggested stack - Anavar, Masteron, Testosterone.

The Anavar and Testosterone Cycle

All steroids work extremely well when stacked with Testosterone, and Anavar is no different. This combination can be used for cutting, recomping, bulking, or even for pure strength. Even though Anavar isn’t known as a bulking drug, the strength increases it can induce will undoubtedly help to build lean muscle mass, so there’s no reason why it can’t be used for this purpose. Typically, however, Var and Test will be used for cutting and recomping, i.e., getting lean and ‘beach ready’.

How much of each compound you use will depend on your cycle goals, size, and steroid/PED experience. For example, beginners looking to lean bulk could comfortably use 300mg testosterone per week for 12 weeks, with Var used for the first four and last four weeks at 20mg per day. See the table below.


Week 1

Testosterone: 300 mg per week

Anavar:20 mg per day

Week 2

Testosterone: 300 mg per week

Anavar:20 mg per day

Week 3

Testosterone: 300 mg per week

Anavar:20 mg per day

Week 4

Testosterone: 300 mg per week

Anavar:20 mg per day

Week 5

Testosterone: 300 mg per week


Week 6

Testosterone: 300 mg per week


Week 7

Testosterone: 300 mg per week


Week 8

Testosterone: 300 mg per week


Week 9

Testosterone: 300 mg per week

Anavar:20 mg per day

Week 10

Testosterone: 300 mg per week

Anavar:20 mg per day

Week 11

Testosterone: 300 mg per week

Anavar:20 mg per day

Week 12

Testosterone: 300 mg per week

Anavar:20 mg per day

1 300 mg per week 20 mg per day
2 300 mg per week 20 mg per day
3 300 mg per week 20 mg per day
4 300 mg per week 20 mg per day
5 300 mg per week -
6 300 mg per week -
7 300 mg per week -
8 300 mg per week -
9 300 mg per week 20 mg per day
10 300 mg per week 20 mg per day
11 300 mg per week 20 mg per day
12 300 mg per week 20 mg per day

The Anavar and Trenbolone Cycle

On the face of it, Var and Tren don’t make a logical pairing; however, many people use these two anabolics in conjunction with Testosterone as a cutting or recomping cycle. Both Oxandrolone and Trenbolone have been shown to burn fat, so it goes without saying that this combo will attack your fat stores - provided that you eat correctly during your cycle. Although it would be possible to use these two compounds together without Testosterone, it’s always best to have a base of Testosterone in any cycle, even if it’s a ere 150mg per week (TRT dose). For cutting purposes, most opt for the fast-acting Trenbolone acetate. 150mg tren ace per week in conjunction with 60mg of Var per day would be a highly effective combination. This combination would also be great for strength and boosting strength without increasing bodyweight all that much.

Suggested stack - Anavar, Trenbolone, Testosterone.

The Anavar and Superdrol Cycle

Even though it’s certainly feasible to combine two oral anabolic steroids, pairing any oral steroid with Superdrol is, quite simply, not a good idea. Why? Because Superdrol is extremely liver toxic even at very small doses; therefore, further stressing your already burdened liver with another oral just isn’t a good idea even if you do consume liver protectants such as TUDCA and NAC.

Suggested stack - DANGEROUS! To avoid at all cost.


The Anavar and Masteron Cycle

Both Anavar and Masteron are cutting/recomping anabolic steroids; therefore, pairing them together is an excellent option for those seeking to drop body fat whilst building a small amount of lean muscle tissue (and getting stronger). Given that both Masteron and Var are DHT-derived androgens, increased focus, motivation, and, perhaps, aggression is likely, which will often result in strength gains beyond what you’d get from either compound alone. As neither aromatizes to estrogen, it would be wise to add in Testosterone at art dose (150mg/week) or above; otherwise, you may experience low estrogen sides.

Suggested stack - Anavar, Masteron, Testosterone.

How To Cycle and Stack Anavar: Final Thoughts

Anavar is a versatile compound that can be used for all purposes (even bulking!), but it is best suited to cutting, recomping, and increasing strength. Given that Oxandrolone is DHT-derived and, therefore, is incapable of converting to estrogen, it’s always wise to add in Testosterone to any stack (the only exception to that is Dianabol as it aromatizes pretty much as freely asTestosteronee itself). If using Var with other orals, always reduce doses of each, and, regardless of which compounds you use, always start with low doses and gain as much as you can from these. It’s very easy to start with huge doses, but where do you go from there? Remember, diet and training are the key; anabolic merely add the polish and allow you to make gains quicker.

Written by Lee Jackson

Last edited: April 20th 2021 | Reviewed by J. Stone M.D.

Avatar author James Laverne

I'm Lee, a bodybuilding fanatic with tons of experience. In this blog I share with you how to get results ASAP.


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