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The Big Arms Secret: from 15 Inch Arms to 18 Inch Biceps

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The Big Arms Secret: from 15 Inch Arms to 18 Inch Biceps

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It makes no difference how hard you exercise – you look great in the mirror as soon as you are done, but your muscles deflate within hours only. Gains are there, but they may not always be visible. Furthermore, at some point, it may feel like you are stagnating – nothing new comes up.

You will not be fully satisfied until you actually see your shirts coming tighter on you – perhaps some before and after pictures might help too. Whether you are after 15 inch arms or 18 inch biceps, here is everything you need to know to make things happen.

How To Build 15 Inch Biceps

Assuming you have just started hitting the gym and your circumference is average – around 13 inches, reaching 15 inch biceps is fairly simple without too much hassle. In fact, the process involves making a few small changes to your workout routine.

It is worth noting that the circumference is not all about the biceps. In fact, the triceps will add about 2/3 of the total size of your arm, so this part is not to be overlooked either. Working on the triceps will help you add a few inches without too much hassle.

Start with the weaker muscle group

Pretty much everyone has an imbalance between the biceps and the triceps. Most people will focus on training the stronger muscle group first, but this is a mistake. The stronger muscle will get better and the weaker one will get worse. Balance is essential when trying to reach 15 inch arms.

If your biceps are stronger than the triceps, focus on the triceps then. Start your workouts with the triceps and wear them out. If you start with the stronger group, you will obviously need heavier weights and more intensity. By the time you reach the weak muscle group, you will be tired and fatigued.

Implement hypertrophy from all angles

Overworking yourself will do more harm than good. Where is the solution then? Give yourself a couple of days between workouts targeting the upper body. On the other hand, you will have to tackle your muscles from every possible angle – every type of different movement will add to the growth.

Here are a few tips on what you should do to reach 15 inch biceps:

As for exercise diversity, here are a few ideas that will target your muscles from each angle:


How To Reach 16 Inch Arms

Reaching 16 inch arms from an average size will obviously require a bit more exercise and a little variety. Adding a few inches may take up to a year, but the journey is totally worth it, especially if you can see improvements every few months.

Work on your diet

This is quite a lot to add to your biceps, so you will need to ensure you get the right amounts of food – and the right food too. You do not have to quit your favorite foods, but you do have to opt for a more balanced diet.

Protein is essential, so you will need about a gram of protein per a pound of body weight. Obviously, increasing the rate to 1.5 grams will help you get the 16 inch biceps even faster, yet you need to find the right balance.

Generally speaking, you will need to eat more. If you eat less than what you burn, that muscle mass will be difficult to add, so add some extra. Do not go crazy overnight – start with 500 extra calories a day and see the changes. You can readjust after a few weeks – ideally, you should get a pound a week.

On the same note, reaching 16 inch arms is also about eating less – less harmful foods. You cannot just have pizza five times a day or those layers of fat will cover your muscles. Get rid of fat foods, extra carbs and processed foods. Stop having alcohol too.

Slow down a little

In the attempt to rush the process, more and more people exaggerate with the tempo – more reps, more sets, less resting time. This is usually a mistake and can lead to excessive fatigue, as well as various injuries.

Slow your repetitions a little. Split a repetition into five timing sets. Spend two of these sets with the first move, rest while holding the weight for another set and spend the last two sets putting it down. Do not let inertia take over, but control every part of the movement.

Support the biceps

Growing 16 inch biceps with no support is a terrible mistake because you will look deformed, but you are also prone to injuries. The solution is relatively simple – work your forearms too and add some girth. It will help you stabilize the arm muscles and achieve more in the long run. Wrist curls are ideal.


How To Grow 17 Inch Arms Or 18 Inch Biceps

17 inch biceps are attractive and surprising, but getting there takes a lot of work. Such arms can easily go in the bodybuilding category, so you will need to spend time getting there – usually, more than just a year in the gym. Various changes are also required and this might be the time to bring supplements in.

On the other hand, once you get to 17 inch biceps, reaching an extra inch will prove quite difficult. Again, you will have to take it to another level. Whatever you do today, you will need to do it differently and more intensively. Luckily, it is not impossible, but it demands patience.

Supplements to take

Getting 17 inch arms or 18 inch arms implies getting some external help. No, this is not about steroids, which are actually illegal in most countries. Instead, it is about a few supplements that will push you from behind and give you the extra vibe to reach your goals.

Creatine is a must, unless you want to spend years reaching 18 inch biceps. To understand how it works, you need to be aware of how your body takes a workout. Every repetition or set will cause some tiny tears. This is what causes fatigue. It takes up to three days for your muscle fibers to recover.

Creatine will reduce this recovery time, meaning you can take your next workout much sooner. At the same time, it will work on your gains and even double them up. It will reduce tiredness in the gym – heavier weights or more sets. About five grams a day – one scoop – will do.

On the other hand, a preworkout is also mandatory. Such things often have a bad reputation, so stick to an authentic powder or gel from a reputable brand. Many of them rely on the placebo effect, so you will not get anything at all.

A scoop of preworkout will work wonders before hitting the gym. Based on the instructions, you should have the preworkout half an hour to an hour before lifting. You can also split it and throw some of it in your bottle of water for consistent support throughout the workout.

Reaching 17 inch arms or 18 inch arms is much easier when you get support. Creatine and preworkout supplements will boost the clarity and focus, support and enhance your strength and reduce the buildup of lactic acid – you will be able to lift more without feeling tired straight away.

Get more sleep

Sleep is critical, whether you are after 15 inch arms or 18 inch biceps. Once you are done with your workout, your muscles will start the repairing process. They will need the HGH and glycogen to do it successfully. These natural substances occur in heavy amounts when you sleep.

While most specialists recommend at least eight hours of sleep a night, you can go up to 10 hours a night. Your biceps and triceps will recover faster, but they will also grow bigger. Sleep is critical and even if you are used to less than eight hours a night, you have to challenge yourself to get there.

Advance your training techniques

Getting 17 inch arms or 18 inch arms implies taking everything to another level and this is when advanced training techniques kick in. You should implement at least one or two such techniques whenever you exercise your arms. They will pump more blood and help with the results.

There are more types of advanced training techniques out there, so you can make slight adjustments and find something that works for you. Here are some of the most popular ones:

How To Measure Your Biceps

Generally speaking, you should avoid measuring your biceps on a daily basis. You should not do it too often, as you will not see any notable differences. Instead, try it once a month and you will definitely see some improvements there if you are dedicated – you can even do it more rarely.

Now, the main question is – should you flex when measuring your biceps? It does not really matter. Many lifters will do it flexed, only because they can get an extra inch. No matter how you do it, stick to the same type of measurement.

Get your elbow on a table or a different flat surface. Make a fist and raise the hand towards your shoulder until you come up with a 45-degree angle. Get a measuring tape and wrap it around the highest point of the biceps. Ideally, you should have a measuring cloth because they are easy to wrap around the arm.

If you want to measure your biceps while flexing, flex after you put the measuring tape on. Do it as hard as you can. Read the measurement and perform the same procedure again – you need two or three measurements to ensure you are accurate.

To help you get an idea, most men are in the 13 inch range. Women are slightly lower – just under 13 inches. An accurate idea of biceps size depends on what you hope to achieve. For example, most wrestlers and fighters range between 18 and 24 inches.

With these thoughts in mind, getting 15 inch arms should not be too difficult. Reaching higher demands more work, but it is also doable. To get 18 inch biceps, you will most likely require more discipline and more advanced training.

Wrist To Bicep Proportions Explained

Genetics will help you reach 15 inch biceps or larger, but at the same time, genetics could be an issue as well. If you have a large frame and thick joints (such as your wrists), chances are you will be able to deal with heavier loads. Simply put, bulking muscles up will be much easier.

If you are lucky enough to have thick wrists, you have incredible bicep potential. Two people with different heights and similar wrists will most likely have similar biceps. Therefore, the height is not such an important factor in the process. But if you have thick joints, you will reach larger biceps in no time.


Bottom line, it makes no difference if you aim for 15 inch arms or 18 inch biceps. You can achieve anything, as long as you follow some simple rules. Patience is critical because nothing will change overnight – you need months or even years of discipline and dedication.

On another note, the more impressive your goals are, the more work you will have to put in. Some of the changes will affect your lifestyle – such as eight hours of sleep a night. Some others will affect your diet. If you are dedicated enough, things will start moving in the right direction though.

Written by Lee Jackson

Last edited: August 10th 2021 | Reviewed by J. Stone M.D.

Avatar author James Laverne

I'm Lee, a bodybuilding fanatic with tons of experience. In this blog I share with you how to get results ASAP.


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